[Love the person you are next to. Whether it be your husband, friend, stranger, enemy or grandma! Just love them. Give a hug, a smile, a note, a hot meal; give yourself to others and you will never regret it. My goal is to inspire, encourage, and invite those around me to see life differently. Brighter, purposeful, and so important. It's simple: Faith expressing itself through l.o.v.e.]

Monday, October 24, 2011

Goin' to the Narthwest!

There are a few interesting things that we have been finding out about since we have moved up here. A few hick-ish things, and a few awesome things!

Hickish things include the following:

  1. People drive with goats instead of dogs in the back of their trucks
  2. The local High School has a gun club- and it happens to be around the block 
  3. Deer roaming in yards is normal
  4. LOTS of people own their own chickens
  5. LOTS of people spray paint their trucks camouflage 
  6. This is hickish but also awesome: bars named "Doofers"
Awesome things include the following:
  1. You can merge in and out of the carpool lane whenever your heart desires 
    1. negative byproduct- you cannot merge onto other freeways from the carpool so swerving across traffic to make your change is common
  2. The skyline is always filled with trees
  3. Drive through coffee shops are literally everywhere
  4. There are lots of apple trees that hang out of peoples giganto yards and we can pick apples off 
  5. Washington is literally lined with berry bushes that people pick 
  6. We have seen the three couples/families we know up here a few times already 
Okay random post for you guys. Here is a cute picture just for fun.

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